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Who is the #GPSBoard Observer? Not one but anyone and everyone. It’s #Cheesy we know.

It seems that figuring out who we are has become somewhat of a parlor game for the supporters of the so-called Gilbert Public School Board majority (Staci Burk, Daryl Colvin and Julie Smith). We wonder why that is so? Why so concerned on figuring out who is behind the curtain? Why so worried about the messenger, when one should be more worried about the message? Is it because they could no longer effectively argue the message that they would rather go after the messenger?

Whatever the case may be it does not really matter to us. It is what it is.

In a latest attempt by the Burk, Colvin, Smith and Associates to identify the Observer, they seem pretty confident that they have ferreted out the wolf in their midst, and that would be former board member, Suzy Horvath.

We’ve noted in this post, Dawn Brimhall supporter, but not campaign manager, Steve Barton referred to us as Suzy. His key argument:

“since she was the one at the LD forum. Three people from your crowd were there. EJ, Horvath, and McClellan. Mike writes to well to put his name on that garbage. So whos left? The author made reference to what they “saw”. Of course that could be fabricated also like the rest of the blog.”

Must be a really small crowd at that LD12 Republican forum as Mr. Barton was able to immediately discern who in the crowd does not belong.

It seems Sherlock Barton forgot to factor in the fact that one does not have to be inside to see what is outside. Oh well…

Mrs. Horvath sent us the following email and requested that we post it in our Facebook page to respond to Mr. Barton. Mrs. Horvath does not have a Facebook account:

This is in response to Steve or Nichole – let’s just say I am confident that I am addressing someone with the last name of Barton. I did not write the post that you are referring to. I noticed that you corrected the spelling on my name, quite thoughtful of you. I was at the LD 12 Republican meeting and attended as a Precinct Committeeman, which I happen to be. This is not my first stint as a PC as I was one when I was 24. (It could actually be 23 but I don’t want you to get super distracted by that detail) I have actually been a state committeeman as well and served in a variety of leadership roles within my LD district. I did invite one guest, Mike McClellan. Isn’t it better to write about something when you have firsthand knowledge? I did not know that it would be recorded, but I am grateful that it was. Each PC was allowed to invite 2 guests; many took advantage of that opportunity. You seem to know who I am, so you should also know that I sat alone. I sat close so I could hear the candidates. After the forum, I personally went to each candidate’s table to thank them for participating. One candidate was quite busy, and so I sent him an email with my thanks. I spoke with two of the candidates that were running for the Higley School Board to thank them for running and to wish them well.

Let’s address your concerns as you enumerated them. As to the signs, someone seemed to suggest that I got that wrong. Well since I didn’t write the piece, I didn’t get it wrong. Let me tell you what I did do. I held the door open so Ron Bellus could walk into the cafeteria while he was carrying his signs. I carried in Jill Humpherys’ signs and was told by the Chairman that I should use the side wall to decorate up the place and ‘liven’ it up. Were you at the meeting last month? If you were, you would have seen actual signs of certain candidates in the gravel as you walked up to enter the meeting. Were you outraged?

Secondly, I will try to answer your second point although it is actually not coherent. I didn’t write the article (again) So of course I didn’t forget what I was doing, although I only handed out one flyer and it was for Jill. I was holding many flyers, handed out just the one. I saw Jill coming up the walk with a bunch of signs and I went to help her carry them in. I gave what palm cards I had to EJ, but I did hand out the one to a gal that was wearing a turquoise shirt just like Jill’s card. Then I went back outside and EJ and I were told that any distribution of literature needed to happen indoors, because Mickie Niland got a complaint. We then went inside.

To your third point, please be sure to find each and every candidate that had their signs placed in the gravel and tell them of their egregious error.

Your fourth point seems silly. I recommend you go back and read it again and see if you don’t come up with the same conclusion. First, muster all the cogent thought you have and read away. The fact is that it has been determined and verified that our choice of candidates can be posted in or on any vehicle. Whomever you support, go ahead and feel free to do the same thing. We are finding it very effective.

Lastly, are we not all observers? Do we not have eyes? Do we not see? I have observed plenty. I applaud this site and any other site that wants to illuminate what has been going on in our District. I seem to remember reading that you are a former student of GPS. I can tell that we have completely different experiences. I attended Gilbert Schools for 6 years, from 7th to 12th grade. I chose to raise my family here largely because of the school system. I chose to serve on the Board, in an attempt to give back and to contribute to the learning environment of the collective. I have attended conferences wherein our administrators were asked to present their models in a variety of educational fields and models; Gilbert has enjoyed the reputation of being a premier district. Dr. Rice even said that Gilbert was known as the jewel of the east valley. Now, we are a joke. For that reason, I read the Observer because largely due to their efforts, others are starting to catch on. If we are totally honest, perhaps you are just upset because you are part of the punch line. I have two children that have graduated and four more that currently attend, their experiences are vastly different than my other two children and so I will remain vigilant to ensure that my remaining children and the rest of the student population are afforded what the GPS mission statement proclaims: Ensure exemplary education that inspires excellence and success within every learner.

P.S. Board Members aren’t paid. About campaigning, what do we do with Bellus? The self proclaimed Washington? Should he stay in the closet? He is the one who branded himself. Whenever I see him, I think of Washington and his sign. Can you unintentionally electioneer? Please figure that out quick because I am sure he would HATE to violate the law or Board policy.

P.P.S. I sent my response via email. I do not have a Facebook account, public or private. I can see how you would have a hard time trusting that as you hear lies from Staci and Daryl all the time. I questioned Daryl the night of the LD 12 meeting to see if he was granted permission from the community members that helped him with the resolution and he said one person refused and told him absolutely not, and then told me that he would not reveal whose input he got. Especially since I was one of  “those people”. He said that Bellus only helped with the addendum and that Staci only helped with wordsmithing, which she supported at the Board meeting on Tuesday, September 9th. He stated emphatically that he takes full ownership of that document and now according to Staci, she is the brains behind all of it. That’s according to her September 16th post on Az Central. What’s that? You can’t get a straight answer from Burk or Colvin? This sounds positively familiar.

For those who really know Mrs. Horvath, they will be the first to tell you that she is never afraid to own up to her own actions. She is a constant at every board meeting and regularly speak out against the actions of the board and some of you may have read or heard of her name before: Click Here.

If Mrs. Horvath is really the Observer, why would she not own up to it, when she is not afraid to file a formal complaint against to board and go public about it?

Mr. Barton contends that the information that we used in putting together The Anatomy of a Green Mind came from email conversations between Teddy Dumlao and Mrs. Horvath. If Mr. Barton went to detective school, we recommend that he ask for a refund.

It seems Mr. Barton has never heard of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Perhaps he should ask Tom and Denise Green on how that works.

Mrs. Horvath has provided us some information. She has made no secret of that. And there are many of you who have provided your own input, ideas and information as well. You know who you are. And we sincerely appreciate it as it makes our lives a lot easier. Please do keep them coming.

It is like a potluck, everyone brings in a dish and all we provide is the table, plates, cups, napkins and utensils and some Tabasco sauce, since we like it spicy. The way we look at it and as Mrs. Horvath alluded to: WE ARE ALL OBSERVERS. It is just a matter of what you want to do with what you observe. You may decide you’d like to share it with us and just like a good old potluck, we will serve your dish to everyone with a dash of Tabasco sauce.

Now Burk, Colvin, Smith and Associates may not believe this, but that shouldn’t surprise anyone, because as Mrs. Horvath noted they may just be too upset that they have become the punchline.

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